My lil grandson's "rookie" hunting season keeps getting better. We headed up to the "ranchette" in Mountain Home last weekend to do some chores and replace/set up a new deer blind. I picked Darrin up from school and he, I and one of the twins headed west for the weekend. We had plans to hunt axis deer so It didn't really register with me that it would be Youth Weekend for Spring Turkey until we were eating dinner later that nite so he was thrilled to know he could shoot one if the opportunity arose. We were in the blind well before day break and could hear something moving in the brush. As it got lighter, I picked up movement of a big calico hog coming into the area as he stopped and munched on hand corn. Soon after, another boar joined him so we now have 2 big pigs in front of us. I told Darrin to get ready for a shot but he said "Papi, I think i want to wait for an axis or turkey". I'm like ...OK but saying to myself, this is a gamble as there is no guarantee we'll see anything else. When the feeder went off, they scattered and it got quiet. Shortly afterwards, we heard a boom from the back of the ranch and his Uncle Kory texted to say that he had dropped a nice sow. We had planned to get out of the blind around 8;30 so i began to pack up stuff when I caught movement to my left . OMG...It's a turkey coming in! I nudged Darrin and told him to be very still as the gobbler made his way to the hand corn. We got him in position to shoot but the bird would not cooperate
. He stayed behind a bush forever then made his way over to the feeder but was now behind a feeder leg. By now, the rising sun had blinded me so i told him to "shoot him when you have a clear shot". Soon after ...I heard to "ka-pow" from his lil .223 and heard him scream ..."I got him Papi!" I couldn't see anything until I scooted my chair over and saw the big bird laying flat on his back. I was sooo proud of him and just thanked God for the blessing of getting to enjoy and experience this moment with them. Kory face-timed his brother Kyle (who is in Franc/Italy with his GF) to rub it in and let him know what he was missing, lol. The rest of the weekend was filled with solid labor but all well worth it.
