Since my 20 year old son has started doing a lot of mechanic work, every set of wrenches, sockets and screw drivers I have are missing several of the tools. They were all complete when I was the only one using them.
Yep, as soon as my youngest got a gokart, dirtbike etc.
The worse is having a machine shop and having employees use my personal stuff along with stuff just for the shop. Constantly buying stuff, it never ends.
Yep, as soon as my youngest got a gokart, dirtbike etc.
The worse is having a machine shop and having employees use my personal stuff along with stuff just for the shop. Constantly buying stuff, it never ends.
When I worked as a mechanic I had a big problem with other mechanics “borrowing” my tools and never bringing them back. So, I started locking my tool box all the time, and if someone needed to borrow a tool, I took their car/truck keys as collateral. Once they brought my tools back then they got their keys back. That put a stop to my tools coming up missing, and made a few mechanics mad after they had to round up all of my tools AFTER it was quitting time! It worked though.