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2023 Available lease thread

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    2023 Available lease thread

    Since so many have already posted looking for leases, let’s get this one going again. I have a lease still so I’m no longer looking but I still look to see what’s out there.

    DISCLAIMER because some numb-nut will come along and ask/accuse me. I AM NOT a broker nor do I benefit anything from this thread. But I will gladly accept invites to kill 160 plus bucks or exotics of any kind

    Guess I should say also, don’t PM me asking for info. I’m just posting them here. I don’t know anything about them so call the number or follow the link I post. Thanks
    Last edited by txoutdoorsman24; 12-28-2022, 07:59 PM.


    Date Listed: 2022-12-26
    Owner's User ID: 071380h
    Ranch name: Mazurek Ranch
    County: Uvalde
    Acres: 3200
    Hunters: 3
    Cost: $3000 per hunter.
    Lease Type: seasonal
    Means allowed: rifle
    Game available: deer, turkey, feral hogs, exotics
    Property description: Low-fenced ranch property to maintain genetic diversity. Regular white-tailed deer season only (Nov/Dec). Tile bunk house with walk-in cooler and skinning rack. No alcohol. No kids. Looking for mature hunters. $3000 - no guests
    Lease description: Low fenced working ranch. Tile bunk house with walk-in cooler, skinning rack. No alcohol. No kids. No lease sharing. Regular white-tailed deer season only. Have blinds/feeders. Hunters supply feed.


      Oklahoma Leases

      Stephen's County
      340 acres, deer, turkey, hogs
      223 acres, deer, turkey waterfowl
      459 acres, deer, turkey, waterfowl
      Garvin County
      469 acres, deer, turkey waterfowl, hogs, fishing
      219 acres, deer, turkey, hogs
      180 acres, deer, turkey, hogs
      180 acres, deer, turkey, hogs
      Creek County
      689 acres, deer, turkey, hogs, lot of water to waterfowl hunt
      Woods County
      680 acres, deer, turkey, close to Kansas line, big draws
      Lincoln County
      96 acres, deer, turkey, hogs, waterfowl
      80 acres, deer, turkey, hogs
      Craig County
      230 acres, deer, coyotes, waterfowl

      call Rick @ 4057406177


        A post from 2cool

        “””I have a lease in Laredo, could possibly be looking for 5-8 hunters next season if you haven’t found anything give me a shout. Chris Frank 979-481-0543“””


          Oh hey everyone it's the lease broker again !!!

          Just kidding, following looking as well.
          Looking for something family friendly in the hill country and would like to buy 1 maybe 2 spots
          Last edited by slicktree; 12-28-2022, 07:52 PM.


            Thanks for setting up the thread.
            My brother and I are looking for 100-150acre lease in Burnet, Llano, Lampasas or Hamilton county.


              I'm always looking. The Hill Country area would be ideal (but open to other areas) if anyone knows of a place.

              Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk


                Been waiting on this one! Looking g for a year round place Turkey, dove, and whitetail. I really need atleast 2 spot and can possibly fill more, family friendly. Looking to keep it around 2500/ gun. Size is not an issue, will lease something small, or join an existing group.Something along, or west of i35, but not limited to. Let me know what yall have. Thanks in advance!


                  Wood county?


                    I’d like to find a place with free range axis, even if that’s all I get to take. I would be happy to take two does and one buck a year if such a place can be found.


                      Lease Details

                      Lease ID: 1679
                      Date Listed: 2022-12-29
                      Owner's User ID: TexasCCBGame
                      Ranch name: Burgess Y Ranch
                      County: Cottle
                      Acres: 10000
                      Hunters: 10
                      Cost: $10 per hunter.
                      Lease Type: year-round
                      Means allowed: rifle, shotgun, handgun, black powder, archery
                      Game available: deer, turkey, feral hogs, quail, migratory birds
                      Property description: Located 19 miles NE of Paducah, Texas, Y Ranch is open to seasonal hunting. Price of lease is dependent upon pasture size and number of guests. Please contact C. C. Burgess for all inquiries.
                      Lease description: Located 19 miles NE of Paducah, Texas, Y Ranch is open to seasonal hunting. Price of Lease is dependent upon pasture size and number of guests. Please contact C.C. Burgess for all inquiries. Phone: 806.681.5722 Email


                        Another older listing.
                        We have several MLD3 properties that will be available beginning March 2023. 1600 acres total that we may divide into 900 and 700 acres. call or text 512-726-0374
                        Lease description: 500 up to 1100 acre hunting lease coming available March 2023. Deer turkey hogs dove and some axis. Campsite with water and electricity for RV's. 512-726-0374


                          2900 acres northwest of Sonora
                          Deer, Turkey, Axis
                          Did not have Anthrax
                          Small rough cabin/ electric and water
                          Price $63000 per year


                            CONTACT: DAUN WILLIAMS
                            (325) 226-3910 - Cell
                            (325) 392-8040 - Home

                            YEAR LEASES AVAILABLE
                            All hunters must comply with game management plan set by ranch manager.
                            Whitetail, turkey, quail, dove, hogs, and some Exotics. Call for more details.

                            HOWARD'S WELL:
                            3300 acres available for yearly lease. Approximately 25 miles southwest of Ozona on Pandale Highway, 8 spots available with primitive camp sites.


                              CONTACT: DAVID GARDNER
                              Phone: (713) 417-3568
                              CONTACT: ROBERT GARDNER
                              Phone: (713) 417-5939

                              WEEKEND PACKAGES OR POSSIBLE SEASON LEASE:
                              NEVER LEASED IN PAST 25 YEARS.
                              Gateway to Big Bend Country - 16 miles SW of Ozona. 4,000 acres. Hill Country, Canyons and Brush Pastures, Seasonal Creek Draws. Deer/Turkey/Javelinas Excellent Facilities.

