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TBH Maintenance This evening

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Make your pitch for best dog breed

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    Originally posted by BlessedVeteran0305 View Post
    German Malinois. Great family pets, protectors, and companions. Very intelligent and can be taught to do anything.
    Excellent choice... But, you better be about 15yrs old to keep up
    with him....
    Besides, they do a lousy job, of shining shoes....

    My choice,.... mutt German Shepard.....


      We have a ridgeback. He is fearless, a great defender and only barks if there’s something you need to see. He’s slightly neurotic though, but I think if he was kept inside he’d be solid. He wants to be with us 24/7. I’m just not in position for an inside pet. Guarantee you we don’t worry about him not defending our home


        Originally posted by MASTERS View Post

        I’ve owned a lot of different dogs through the years, mostly being German breeds. Don’t think I’ll look any further than a German wirehair from here on out. Very regal personality that waits for direction. She water retrieved, land retrieved, tracked wounded deer with patience naturally with a want to do it well in the first year. Nothing can hide from her nose. She’s not aggressive, but confident in her ability, and great family dog at the end of the day.

        She spends 6-8 hours a day in her kennel in the house while we are at work, never wastes a bark, and frequently makes 5+ hour road trips with us. She can load up into a truck tailgate 5’ off the ground without assistance, and can run 28mph for a mile without slowing across the river bottom hayfield. Firecrackers, thunder and gunshots have never bothered her.

        Didn’t have the coin or time to spend on training a drahthaar, and haven’t second guessed my decision once with our less expensive German Wirehair named “Mavis”
        That’s an impressive dog. Not sure I have the stamina to keep one properly exercised.


          Also forgot he’s a decent tracker as well, with minimal training and when someone pulls up on our place, he takes off so hard he looks like he’ll run through a wall, I don’t know how he doesn’t flatten himself against our gate


            I love my Blue Lacy. But, I still think cur dogs are the absolute best! And, that goes for all cur varieties.


              The most versatile breed in the world is the German Shepherd Dog. These days you have to look for German working lines. America and the AKC ruins dogs.

              Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


                Mole Patrol

                Last edited by Catdaddy; 08-15-2022, 08:54 PM.


                  There is a female vizsula in the clasifieds,, checks all your boxes and more.

                  Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by bowtecmike View Post
                    There is a female vizsula in the clasifieds,, checks all your boxes and more.

                    Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk

                    Vizsla will do all you want and more.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




                        My son wanted a German Shepherd for a long time, so we finally got him one

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                          going to be odd man out on this one,,, i want another boxer,,, absolutely the best dog i will ever own... mine started tracking deer as a young pup,, would turn himself around on a track in short order if he started out the wrong way,,, perfect with the family and grand kids,loved to play and fetch,, at least the one i had was fearless, he would stand down or attack with simple commands. One of my grand sons went missing ( he was actually hiding).. wife and daughter starting to freak,,, i got the dog told him to find Josiah,, in a few short seconds the boy was catching what for from his mom!
                          dog went to protect the boy, i told him no he simply stopped and stayed ready.... a transient tried to break into my shop one night, the dog was about to take out 20 feet of the wall when i pulled up...( he was inside)
                          shot two hogs out of the back door of the shop on different occasions .. i turned him and the lab loose to see if they would track,,, the boxer threw his head up went scented both of them and made a bee line to them...
                          he was one heck of a watch, alert, guard dog.... he also read people real quick and would just move into position to defend me if needed... he never forgot anyone either,,,,


                            We love our Vizsla. She’s a great family dog and always looking to make you happy. Cannot believe it took us so long to find her.


                              Everybody told me how crazy Jack Russells were before I got mine. I got him anyway because I wanted a smallish tracking dog. Yes, he’s crazy, but he is hands down the best dog I have ever owned. As long as I’m able to take care of a dog, I can’t see myself without a JRT!!!!!!

                              The only bad thing about them is they shed like crazy!!!!!


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                                I’ve been a Great Dane guy for the last 16 years.

                                It started off when I wanted to get my wife a new puppy. I bought her a Great Dane in 2006.

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