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knife sharpening help...

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    knife sharpening help...

    i have bought so many knife sharpening gimmicks since i had a stroke i couldnt sharpen a knife to save my soul has anyone had luck with the warthog vsharp i have something similar but it just doesnt work that well im tired of asking people to sharpen my knife for me i used arkansas wet stone before but i just cant use them anymore

    Originally posted by Tiger View Post
    i have bought so many knife sharpening gimmicks since i had a stroke i couldnt sharpen a knife to save my soul has anyone had luck with the warthog vsharp i have something similar but it just doesnt work that well im tired of asking people to sharpen my knife for me i used arkansas wet stone before but i just cant use them anymore
    I’ve had great results with mine, just be sure to adjust the guide and bars for the knife.


      No reason the basic work sharp can’t work for ya. Just don’t roll the tip through and finish with the polishing band and be done


        i just watched a vid on the work sharp i think i can use it my difficulty comes with using both hands or switching directions my mind only functions one way and not that well


          Originally posted by Tiger View Post
          i have bought so many knife sharpening gimmicks since i had a stroke i couldnt sharpen a knife to save my soul has anyone had luck with the warthog vsharp i have something similar but it just doesnt work that well im tired of asking people to sharpen my knife for me i used arkansas wet stone before but i just cant use them anymore
          I have used a Warthog for a number of years. Works well and fast. Only issue is for some of the older models new stones can be difficult to find.


            I buy the stones on Amazon. They work pretty good. Tip is once finished using the grinding side flip to the steel side and drop the angle to the next level higher to knock the edge off. Example grind at 25 degrees and steel at 30 degrees. Made huge difference for me.


              Chef choice edge select 120
              Electric with 3 wheels and blade guides. I can’t sharpen a knife to save my life but this thing will make a knife shave in 5 minutes once you have the right angle on the edge.
              $120-$140 bucks. 2 diamond wheels and a felt wheel.


                Here ya go--and keep one in your butt pack and you can touch up your edge in the middle of a field dressing if needed. I keep a sharpening steel in my knife box and when I go to work, it is in my back pocket so I can hit a few licks when needed. I usually make it thru a deer without re-touching the edge, but not a hog.


                  Originally posted by dustoffer View Post
                  I usually make it thru a deer without re-touching the edge, but not a hog.
                  Which is why I use a box cutter for hogs. Blades are 10 for $1.50 at HF.


                    Originally posted by kmitchl View Post
                    Which is why I use a box cutter for hogs. Blades are 10 for $1.50 at HF.
                    Box cutter is the easiest thing to use on hogs. The only time you need something bigger is on splitting the pelvis. I can usually find it with a box cutter on a deer, but for some reason the hogs are harder to hit, at least for me.


                      Thank me later....

                      Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by dosrobles View Post
                        Chef choice edge select 120
                        Electric with 3 wheels and blade guides. I can’t sharpen a knife to save my life but this thing will make a knife shave in 5 minutes once you have the right angle on the edge.
                        $120-$140 bucks. 2 diamond wheels and a felt wheel.
                        I can hand sharpen a knife.
                        With the Chef Choice my wife can sharpen knives. The lady that helps us keep the house clean brough her knives over to be sharpened. Guess what she got for Christmas........


                          Skyler at Diamond C ranch uses a Warthog sharpener. After seeing and experiencing his work I purchased one.


                            Just buy a Havalon or Outdoor edge !
                            Scalpel sharp every time.


                              i cant hand sharpen a knife to save my life. even with a lansky kit, i can get it mediocre enough to skin a deer 1/3 of the way, but then the rest of the deer i have to drag it thru the V shaped sharpener every 7-8 cuts.

                              this past oct i got the work sharp knife and tool sharpener (ken onion edition). since its a belt sharpener, it puts convex edges on your knife. my last buck i skinned the whole thing without stopping to sharpen. the honed edge comes out mirror perfect too.

                              i also used to to sharpen my axe and hatchets, an old rusty machete, and my limb loppers. and a broadhead!

