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The Eternal Flame - Keep it Burning

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    Took mom up to see family in East Texas. We went to look at the place I spent summers growing up. My grandparents lived on Caddo Lake in the big town of.....

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	23924143

    It was good for both of us to make this trip!


      Originally posted by Mary View Post
      Took mom up to see family in East Texas. We went to look at the place I spent summers growing up. My grandparents lived on Caddo Lake in the big town of.....

      Nice! That's pretty much how I'm feeling right now as I contemplate whether to drive to FW today, or wait til tomorrow...then whether to drive back to Paris Wednesday night (after HH at CCR) and then leave from Paris Thursday to drive to Port Isabel to spend Easter w/e with Mom and Pop at their new house, or instead wait in FW til Thursday and have the girls drive there and pick me up (after Court's softball game) on the way down??? I'm pretty much "uncertain" about my whole week!
      My Flickr Photos


        Arrived in Tulsa around midnight. Yesterday was pretty rough with 10 hours of driving and 3 states. I have 5 appointments in Tulsa and then I am off to Arkansas.


        I consider myself a well traveled person, but I have never heard of Uncertain, Texas. Looks like I am going to have to put that on the list. I bet they have issues with people stealing the city limit sign.


          You guys go ahead and travel, I'll hang around here and keep up with the post count. Have a great week and be safe out there.


            Golf is not that great in a 40 mph wind. Beer, oddly still great!


              Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
              Golf is not that great in a 40 mph wind. Beer, oddly still great!
              Both will help you alleviate your hook and slice problems!


                Your drive schedule sounds like mine this week, Michael! But I am looking forward to each stop I will be making

                Heath...Uncertain is an interesting place. Probably worth the check out...just so you can say you have been there


                  Anyone else cold?

                  Monday looks a lot better when you get Friday off.
                  Heading to the ranch all weekend for Easter, gonna be GREAT!


                    Couldn't think of any better thread to make my #5000 post on! Glad to be a part of the TBH family


                      Originally posted by AgHntr10 View Post
                      Couldn't think of any better thread to make my #5000 post on! Glad to be a part of the TBH family
                      Welcome to the club!

                      Good morning TBH - the coffee is strong and good today! Fixing to head out the door and do a little driving, y'all be safe out there and have a great day!!!


                        Originally posted by AgHntr10 View Post
                        Couldn't think of any better thread to make my #5000 post on! Glad to be a part of the TBH family
                        Congrats Kent, but just think how high your GPA would be if you were still a nubbin.

                        This is a great family. Have a great day to every one of you.


                          Getting ready in the hotel to go see some customers and am really wishing I was still on the beach with an Aurba Ariba in my hand


                            Good morning all! Coffee is my friend today!!!!!!!


                              We had a nice (but too quick) trip to the capitol city last weekend...

                              here's B-dog rippin' on Congress

                              (who doesn't like to rip congress every now and then?)

                              My cousin was in town to speak at SXSW so we ran down for some face time. Family still rules.

                     of NiNiDog with her cousins...

                              Last edited by Legdog; 03-30-2010, 07:19 AM.


                                Mornin' fellas - it sure is too nice a day to be at la vie. Hope you all have a good one.

