I will be building a shop in the next couple of months. Here is a price a local person is building one for. I am not sure on the specs other than what is listed below. I have heard nothing but good things about them either. It is pretty close to what I was wanting so I may make a few adjustments. This seems to be a pretty good price on the surface. What do you think?
2 - 3070 Walk Through Doors
1 - 10' X 8' Roll Up Door
30' X 40' Enclosed Structure
(No Insulation included)
(No windows included)
30'3 X 40'3 Concrete Slab **(No Dirt Work Included)**
Painted Walls and Trim
Galvanized Sheeted Roof
Completely Framed, Enclosed, Sheeted and Finish Trim.
2 - 3070 Walk Through Doors
1 - 10' X 8' Roll Up Door
30' X 40' Enclosed Structure
(No Insulation included)
(No windows included)
30'3 X 40'3 Concrete Slab **(No Dirt Work Included)**
Painted Walls and Trim
Galvanized Sheeted Roof
Completely Framed, Enclosed, Sheeted and Finish Trim.