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Stabbing at Spring High School!

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    Originally posted by elf feet View Post
    There's absolutely no reason to be rude or mean. If you read my last post I asked why systemnt disagreed with my statement that it wasn't gang related and said that I was open to being corrected.

    You are correct that killing someone takes it to a new level. When I hear the word "gang" I think of people actively recruiting and hazing people, running around the neighborhood causing serious trouble. These students did none of that. These groups are limited to this school and maybe one other school in the district.

    I am not sugar-coating it and I am not pulling the wool over my eyes... and I don't appreciate you insinuating that I am. I know a lot more about the situation than you do... especially considering it happened 20 feet from my classroom.
    I think tvc was speaking on behalf of his extensive experience in law enforcement and having to deal with these types of situations. I dont think he meant to insult you or be mean..but his points are valid.
    All gangs recruit from their young..and schools are a sams warehouse of prospects.
    This isnt new. They arent pretending. Its not a dress rehearsal.
    They are gang members or if it helps, affiliates of gangs.
    Again..prayers with you.


      Originally posted by elf feet View Post

      There's absolutely no reason to be rude or mean....
      I said "some", not "you". There was no intent to be rude but sorry if you took it that way.

      I was just pointing out what I see all the time with the claim of wannabe like it lessens the impact or makes people feel better about their situation.


        Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
        I said "some", not "you". There was no intent to be rude but sorry if you took it that way.

        I was just pointing out what I see all the time with the claim of wannabe like it lessens the impact or makes people feel better about their situation.
        Seeing how you quoted me I don't know how I could come to any other conclusion.

        Like I said, I am more than willing to be corrected and I understand that high schools are breeding grounds. However, talking big doesn't make you a gang. Up until now, all these students have done (or, maybe I should say "all that has been told to the staff") is talk big and get into a few fights on campus. The administration has told us that these kids do not act outside of the school... but, they might just be saying that to make us feel better. Killing someone most definitely takes it to a different level.

        The news made it sound like it as a wide-spread gang-related fight... which it wasn't.


          Originally posted by elf feet View Post
          Seeing how you quoted me I don't know how I could come to any other conclusion.

          Like I said, I am more than willing to be corrected and I understand that high schools are breeding grounds. However, talking big doesn't make you a gang. Up until now, all these students have done (or, maybe I should say "all that has been told to the staff") is talk big and get into a few fights on campus. The administration has told us that these kids do not act outside of the school... but, they might just be saying that to make us feel better. Killing someone most definitely takes it to a different level.

          The news made it sound like it as a wide-spread gang-related fight... which it wasn't.
          All due respect... how does the administration know what these kids are doing outside of school? The kids parents for the most part dont even know.
          Short of criminal records..the administration couldnt tell you what these kids are doing while their in the school...let alone outside of it.


            Originally posted by systemnt View Post
            All due respect... how does the administration know what these kids are doing outside of school? The kids parents for the most part dont even know.
            Short of criminal records..the administration couldnt tell you what these kids are doing while their in the school...let alone outside of it.
            You are correct.

            If the school admin taking such a stance as EF states that they talk big and involved in fights (as in plural), it makes me wonder what the admin really knows what they are talking about or is trying to sweep it under the rug, cross their fingers behind their back and hope.

            I have seen the same admins locally. Gang problem? Here?

            No problem whatsoever... until we make CNN from the non-gangs stabbing each other.

            And I have no clue if this was gang related but it sure sounds suspect. Having worked security inside of schools for a few years, I have seen the attitude of the admin up close and personal. That was Wally and Beaver Cleaver involved in the violent acts................

            I feel bad for the people that are victims and the ones that had to see it and the disgust and fear that it created. How many parents went nuts when they heard there was a murder at their child's school? The victims were not just the couple of kids that got stabbed.


              Why are white people always getting pinned as the racists? A lot of hispanic people and black people HATE each other with a passion. I've been seeing this from back in the 90's first hand at times. Do some research on L.A. A few years ago my wife's little brother was going to Humble High School and there was supposed to be a huge fight between blacks and hispanics due to a black kid raping a hispanic girl supposedly. Lot's of kids stayed home because of how bad it was supposed to be.

              To be honest I'm surprised this blew up as big as it did. Stabbings and such weren't all that rare even when I was in school back in the 90's. I will admit though that I lived in some really bad neighborhoods part of the time while growing up though.

              Was it the certain high school that made this into such a big surprise?


                Originally posted by Gunswayne View Post
                My two daughters are there. My 15 yo saw the blood all over the hallway and is pretty traumatized with it all. My girls are always telling me about the incessant fights and gang activity they see there. My ex wife and i have a lot to discuss after everyone has calmed down. I don't believe they will be going back.
                Good for you! That's exactly what I would do. My kid doesn't attend this school, but we have already pulled him out of public school and he is on the K12 Online school program.

                I have no intention of sending my kid to a school where he is scared or influenced by a bunch of criminals.


                  What amazes me is that I did not see a single blurb on the Dallas (NBC) news last night about this.


                    at amazes me is that I did not see a single blurb on the Dallas (NBC) news last night about this.
                    The only reason you didn't hear about it is because it did not involve a gun!!!!


                      Originally posted by AndyRealtree View Post
                      Another reason teachers need to be allowed to carry


                        Originally posted by tgb336 View Post
                        read this comment from someone on a news article... thought it was quite noble.

                        Billie Rose Miller ยท Office Manager at Cherry House Moving Co
                        First and foremost...condolences to the parents of the young man that was killed. No one should ever have to get this news about there child. Unfortunately in this day and time it does become a political issue. Guns are not the problem...knives are not the problems. Lack of authority is our biggest problem. All rights of authority have been taken away from the parents and the school administrators. Kids do not learn from an early age to be respectful, to value human life, to work hard and get ahead and that violence is wrong and comes with consequences. They do not learn about God and they fear no one and value no one. Our politicians do not need to take guns away...they don't need to make the police the enforcers of our children or us. They need to give the rights back to the parents to teach their kids right from wrong. They need corporal punishment back in schools. Parents and teachers need to have their rights back to teach our children right from wrong and Heaven knows we need to teach our children the value of life through God or whatever higher power you believe in. Without these changes our lives, our children's lives and their children's lives will not get better...only worse.
                        This is a wonderful post. However, I feel like these kids are acting just like their parents, in other words, this is how their parents grew up and they their parents) see nothing wrong with their actions. There's becoming more and more families like that.


                          every school in america should have metal would keep everyone safe. there should only be a few entrances/exits in the school and security should be tripled.......


                            The arrest photo of 17 year-old Luis Alonzo Alfaro has been released in connection with the fatal stabbing at Spring High School in north Harris County. The stabbing occurred during a physical ...

                            Booking photo of the Einstein.


                              Originally posted by JMAG View Post
                              every school in america should have metal would keep everyone safe. there should only be a few entrances/exits in the school and security should be tripled.......
                              I disagree. Treat school like a prison and kids will act like prisoners act. 95% of the kids in school today aren't the problem, so why would we treat them as if they are? This is a tragedy, no doubt, but this isn't new...violence in schools has been happening for years and is a reflection of society as a whole. How about we just prosecute those that break the law and meanwhile, we teach our kids to respect life and each other. This crap starts at home and metal detectors doesn't fix that.


                                Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                                I disagree. Treat school like a prison and kids will act like prisoners act. 95% of the kids in school today aren't the problem, so why would we treat them as if they are? This is a tragedy, no doubt, but this isn't new...violence in schools has been happening for years and is a reflection of society as a whole. How about we just prosecute those that break the law and meanwhile, we teach our kids to respect life and each other. This crap starts at home and metal detectors doesn't fix that.
                                you are correct. just saying that the detectors would stop some1 from bringing something in the schools

