Me and all my buddies switched to ON pouches. At love’s and other gas stations you can get them 3 for $9 or 4 for $13 on sale. Way cheaper than the other nicotine. I slowly went to 2mg pouches and finally quit. Lots of help from Jesus though Amen
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Originally posted by dosrobles View Post
We’ll see. 48 hours isn’t long but I would sometimes go can and a half a day. Heck, just the cost savings alone now that I see a possibility is motivating. I was going to quit dipping Copenhagen when it hit $0.50/can……ooooops
You got this!
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I dipped Copenhagen for 40 years, keeping snuff in my lip for at least 10 hours a day. Now, 2.5 years snuff-free, I’ve also cut out gum and sunflower seeds—I didn’t want to trade one habit for another. Do I still crave a dip? Sure, if I let myself think about it. But the key is not to think about it.
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Got hit in the mouth playing football with my cousins one Thanksgiving many years ago. Fully belly and a mouth full of Cope. I have never puked that much. And since then I can not smell Cope without getting watery mouth. I have vaped off and on for a while now. But not sure of the stuff in it on my lungs down the road. Zyn or the others have been on my mind to try..
I swapped from 20 years of Red Seal to Black Buffalo Tobacco free. While the flavor and nicotine was good, that stuff would tear up my mouth by the end of the day. I have swapped over to the 9mg Velo pouches and have done very well. I still keep a can of the Black Buffalo on me for that loose snuff feeling, but I may only take a couple dips of that in a day. I get the Velo Plus in 20 pouch cans for about 4.00 a can. The flavor lasts a long time so I go through a can in maybe 3-4 days.
Quit Redman Golden Blend cold turkey at 37 after a 20+ year habit that started while hunting and fishing with my Grandaddy Smart. I'm 55 now and glad to have been done 18 years ago. I still get the urge when I step out into a dove field or smell a 2 cycle outboard motor burning but no way in hell. Glad there is something around to help folks get off it that's not tobacco related these days. I might have quit earlier had there been something like this available. Continued success to you folks.
I've had one friend that had oral cancer and its not pretty.....sound similar to duck'n. Trying to get another to quit. Between him and watching what Jim Kelley went through plus the **** price, I couldn't imagine ever going back. My buddy was extremely flippant about his usage back in the day even long after after I quit. He had a pretty eye opening quote . "It was all well and good to say F it, I'll deal with cancer so I can keep dipping now. It was the easy way out.... until cancer was staring me in my face at the oncologist that day. Then that easy switched to 100 times harder" Very profound!
Originally posted by Smart View PostQuit Redman Golden Blend cold turkey at 37 after a 20+ year habit that started while hunting and fishing with my Grandaddy Smart. I'm 55 now and glad to have been done 18 years ago. I still get the urge when I step out into a dove field or smell a 2 cycle outboard motor burning but no way in hell. Glad there is something around to help folks get off it that's not tobacco related these days. I might have quit earlier had there been something like this available. Continued success to you folks.
I've had one friend that had oral cancer and its not pretty.....sound similar to duck'n. Trying to get another to quit. Between him and watching what Jim Kelley went through plus the **** price, I couldn't imagine ever going back. My buddy was extremely flippant about his usage back in the day even long after after I quit. He had a pretty eye opening quote . "It was all well and good to say F it, I'll deal with cancer so I can keep dipping now. It was the easy way out.... until cancer was staring me in my face at the oncologist that day. Then that easy switched to 100 times harder" Very profound!
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Originally posted by Graysonhogs View PostI feel very fortunate that I got sick as a dog the first time I tried Copenhagen. I was 13, and that broke me from dipping.....same here, NOPE not for me. Plus I need that money for more hunting trips!
Good luck to all that realize that smoking, dipping, snuff and even vaping aint a great idea. My grandfather had his entire jaw removed when I was a kid from chewing tobacco and smoking a pipe!
I quit chewing in 2009 when they jacked up the tax on it. I bought 2 cartons from a friend of mine who owned a tobacco store and said when they`re gone I'm finished with it. Quitting cold turkey wasn`t as bad as the anxiety of getting down to the last 2 or 3 pouches I had bought. I never went back to chewing and 16 years tobacco free after chewing for over 25 years. I save enough every year to pay for my deer lease. I sure miss a chew when I`m sitting around a campfire on opening weekend or trolling for stripers but that OK. It was a nasty habit I was glad to give up.
Originally posted by Graysonhogs View PostI feel very fortunate that I got sick as a dog the first time I tried Copenhagen. I was 13, and that broke me from dipping.
Last edited by jerp; 02-04-2025, 12:25 PM.
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