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Sound Waves

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    Sound Waves

    Anybody ever heard of using a machine that projects sound waves to reduce/eliminate pain ? I’ve had pain in my right knee for a long time. I’ve had injections and arthroscopic surgery to no avail. The injections were great for a few days, then back to the pain. It hurts the most while driving when I have to stay on the accelerator, like in town or on a county road. I do fair when I can use the cruise.

    Yesterday I went to my chiropractor and noticed a machine that was new. I asked him about it and he said it produces sound waves and builds stem cells. Sounded too good to be true, but what the hell, I’ll try most anything once. So, the girl put some jell on my knee and started the procedure. He had already told me that when the thingamajig passed over the problem it might be painful. It was, in fact it hurt quite a bit. The pain subsided and she moved on. Pain again, then it subsided. This happened three times on different areas of my knee and then she was done.

    The result was that I drove home with very little pain, then went to one of my leases today to see how wet it was, again very little pain. She said it would get better each day, and I’m crossing my fingers, but we’ll see.
    Last edited by Drycreek3189; 05-16-2024, 09:28 AM.

    Wonder if it would work on a broken L5 vertebrate Don? I might try it, what have I got to lose?


      I’d be skeptical about sound waves eliminating pain. They’ve been using sound wave technology on pregnant women for years. I would think if the potential was there to eliminate pain it would be administered quite a bit.

      On the other hand, the proof is in the pudding and if you say you have no pain, then I’m all in to hear more about it!


        I would look into stem cell injections! May have to get on a plane though.


          Originally posted by ThisLadyHunts View Post
          I’d be skeptical about sound waves eliminating pain. They’ve been using sound wave technology on pregnant women for years. I would think if the potential was there to eliminate pain it would be administered quite a bit.

          On the other hand, the proof is in the pudding and if you say you have no pain, then I’m all in to hear more about it!
          I googled it. Seems like those are two different types of sound waves. I just had an echocardiogram a couple weeks ago using the same technology as is used on pregnant women. I wasn’t pregnant, I just looked that way !


            Originally posted by PYBUCK View Post
            Wonder if it would work on a broken L5 vertebrate Don? I might try it, what have I got to lose?
            When I googled it, there was a picture using it on someone’s back. They are not common, supposed to be only two of those machines in Tyler. I imagine that most larger cities would have one. Like you said, you have nothing to lose but money, and possibly your pain.


              The systems you have mirror my torn meniscus.
              Driving a Mule or tractor was killing me too
              Injection has helped me for past two months.

              Now I now why those old guys said getting old ain’t for sissies.


                Good info! I'll look here locally. I'd pay just about anything to rid pain.


                  Originally posted by Big pig View Post
                  The systems you have mirror my torn meniscus.
                  Driving a Mule or tractor was killing me too
                  Injection has helped me for past two months.

                  Now I now why those old guys said getting old ain’t for sissies.
                  A torn miniscus is what I had the arthrascopic surgery for umpteen years ago but they didn’t fix it. All I got out of that deal was a hospital bill and a walking cane for a week or so. Still have the cane though !

                  Went to Tyler this morning and still no pain. I had gotten to where I dreaded driving any distance at all, especially town driving. I hope this works, it will be a godsend to many.
                  Last edited by Drycreek3189; 05-16-2024, 09:29 AM.

