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Anybody Use the "New Post" Feature?

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    Anybody Use the "New Post" Feature?

    I'm going to harp on this for awhile to get everybody familiar with it because I think it's a great feature that will allow us to expand the number of topics we offer without fear that some will be neglected (like Hunting Reports on the old forum).

    Who is currently using the "New Posts" link at the top of the menu list? What are your thoughts?


    BTW, if you aren't checking the site quite as freqently, you might be better suited to clicking "Quick Links" and then "Today's Posts" instead of "New Posts". That will show you the posts within the last 24 hours.
    My Flickr Photos

    No savvy Boss!


      I just used it, but to be honest, old habits die slow. I am so use to clicking on the forumn I want that is what I continue to do. I will try to change
      Jeff Young


        this is what im talking about..


          I do like that feature; keeps me in the now!!!


            I've been using it Michael. I like it. I have always been going to the last post feature also. What a time saver without having to scroll thru every post!


              just hit new post and that will bring you up to date on post made that night to the following day ...


                Not yet, but I'll work on it!

                Thanks for bringing us back online!


                  I have used it, but to me it has it pluses and minus'. Sometimes this forum moves so fast something your looking for will drop quick. Just depends on the time and situation


                    I promise to do better, Michael, and I will check out the new post link.


                      Its a pretty neat feature but I agree with rattler it has pluses and minuses


                        This is the feature I use most often with all the other forums I frequent. Much easier to keep track of what's been going on since I was last on.

                        The new vBulletin looks great in GREEN too. Thanks Michael!


                          I'm trying it right now. Nice way to catch up.

                          Another nice feature is the "View First Unread" at the left top of the thread although I'm finding you have to adjust a little but it gets you close to where you left off on a particular thread.


                            I use it!

                            Can we do away with the 10-character minimum?
                            Ultramatic Feeders

                            We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded......

                            /l _ ,[____],
                            l---- L-- -OlllllllO-


                              Just tried it. Pretty handy!

